
How Kong Skull Island Should Have Ended

Director: Chris Oldenburg

Year: 2017

Season: 9, Episode: 8

Episodes: 278

Original Title: How Kong Skull Island Should Have Ended
Director: Chris Oldenburg
Writer: Daniel Baxter , Tina Alexander , Chris Oldenburg
Producer: Daniel Baxter , Tina Alexander
Type: episode
Year: 2017
Genres: Animation, Short, Comedy
Cast: Adrian Neely , Daniel Baxter , Tina Alexander , Chris Oldenburg , Nicholas Hausmann , Caleb Jones , Jean-Luc Fagnan
Original Air Date: 18 Jul 2017
Rating: 7.0
Votes: 30
Year: 2017
Producer: Daniel Baxter , Tina Alexander
Animation Department: Otis Frampton , Chris Oldenburg , Nicholas Hausmann
Season: 9
Episode: 8
Number of Episodes: 278
Episode of: How Kong Skull Island Should Have Ended