video movie

Erich von Stroheim and Hollywood's First Million-Dollar Picture

Director: Jim Granato

Year: 2023

Original Title: Erich von Stroheim and Hollywood's First Million-Dollar Picture
Director: Jim Granato
Producer: Robert Byrne
Type: video movie
Year: 2023
Genres: Documentary, Short
Cast: Dave Kehr , Erich von Stroheim
Runtimes: 15
Countries: United States
Languages: English
Color Info: Color
Akas: Erich von Stroheim and Hollywood's First Million-Dollar Picture (United States)
Production Companies: The San Francisco Silent Film Festival
Distributors: Flicker Alley
Cinematographer: Jim Granato , Jason Wolos
Producer: Robert Byrne
Composer: Timothy Brock
Editor: Jim Granato
Sound Crew: Gary Hobish