tv series

Dr. Destruction's Crimson Theatre


Year: 2001

Plot: Dr. Destruction hosts Crimson Theatre, which showcases a variety of horror and other genre related films.
Original Title: Dr. Destruction's Crimson Theatre
Writer: Dale Wamboldt , Richard Golembiewski , David Spring
Type: tv series
Year: 2001
Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Cast: Dale Wamboldt , Ralph Piro , Charles Braden , Danielle Strampp , Jerry Arlie Ball , Don Lipke , Perry Claeys , Richard Golembiewski , Amber O'Connor , Paul Bearer , John Oldham , Rick Plastina
Runtimes: 120
Countries: United States
Languages: English
Color Info: Color
Production Companies: Kenosha Community Media
Distributors: Kenosha Community Media
Series Years: 2001-