tv series

Broken Quill


Year: 2022

Plot: The story revolves around the mysterious case of a middle aged man (Jamshed Raza), who committed suicide in his home. The I.O (Investigating officer) Rustam Ali finds that, it's a murder case and not a suicide in his preliminary investigation. Rustam starts his investigation from Kamli (28years old) who is Jamshed's neighbor. He is an ambulance driver and thief simultaneously. Kamli becomes the first suspect of the crime. After investigating Kamli, the case gets complicated when the wife of a murdered man emerges as the prime suspect. The case gets impenetrable turn, Rustam calls victim's wife (Bilqees 42 years old) to investigate along with her son (Muzaib 24years old) and daughter (Mahnoor 21years old who has leg injury) Rustam notices Mahnoor's walk because Kamli already told Rustam about Mahnoor's leg injury which led Rustam to investigate the family. When he starts investigating Bilqees her son gets angry on Rustam and denies to file case against anyone. But, Rustam continues his investigation which unfolds many secrets of the family.
Original Title: Broken Quill
Writer: Samad Baloch
Type: tv series
Year: 2022
Genres: Crime, Mystery
Cast: Syed Fazal Hussain , Syed Meesam , Syed Arsalan , Daniya Enwar , Rahil Siddiqui , Mazhar Suleman Noorani , Akber Punjwani , Jannat Hasani
Runtimes: 76
Countries: Pakistan
Languages: Urdu
Color Info: Color
Aspect Ratio: 2.4:1
Rating: 9.6
Votes: 5
Year: 2022
Akas: Broken Quill (Pakistan)
Production Companies: The Blue Oranges
Series Years: 2022-2022