music video

Alizée: Gourmandises

Director: Nicolas Hidiroglou

Year: 2001

Plot: In the video Alizée is featured in a park with her friends, having a picnic complete with candy and fruits. Towards the last chorus of the video, all the delicacies spill, and Alizée and her friends run, play and laugh together. The entire video shows bliss.
Original Title: Alizée: Gourmandises
Director: Nicolas Hidiroglou
Type: music video
Year: 2001
Genres: Music
Cast: Alizée , Laetitia Casta
Runtimes: 4
Countries: France
Languages: French
Color Info: Color
Original Air Date: 25 Jul 2001 (France)
Rating: 6.3
Votes: 24
Year: 2001
Distributors: Music Television (MTV)
Cinematographer: Christophe Pollock
Composer: Laurent Boutonnat , Mylène Farmer
Music Department: Laurent Boutonnat , Mylène Farmer