video movie

1st Annual Directors Guild of Great Britain DGGB Awards

Director: Colin Wilson , Josef d'Bache-Kane , Sian Busby

Year: 2004

Plot: Inauguration of the 1st Annual Directors Guild of Great Britain DGGB Awards (83 minutes) followed by interviews backstage (30 minutes) with the recipients, honourees and presenters of the evening of February 21st 2004.
Original Title: 1st Annual Directors Guild of Great Britain DGGB Awards
Director: Colin Wilson , Josef d'Bache-Kane , Sian Busby
Producer: Colin Wilson , Josef d'Bache-Kane , Jim Whiteford , Saskia van Roomen , Jacqui Licorish , Rowland Jobson , John Hough , Malcolm Mowbray
Type: video movie
Year: 2004
Cast: Mania Akbari , Marilyn Gaunt , Josef d'Bache-Kane , Bernd Lichtenberg , Simon Campbell-Jones , Christine Hill , Paul Cons , Claudia Murgans , Michael Winner , Wolfgang Becker , Hilary Bevan Jones , Richard Curtis , Andy De Emmony , Martha Fiennes , Sheree Folkson , Bryan Forbes , Jonathan Glazer , Tony Grisoni , Piers Haggard , Peter Jackson , Angus MacQueen , Bill Nighy , Alan Parker , Bill Paterson , Nicolas Roeg , Colin Salmon , Imogen Stubbs , Colin Vaines , Peter Webber , Michael Winterbottom , David Yates , Marcel Zyskind
Runtimes: 83
Countries: United Kingdom
Languages: English
Color Info: Color
Aspect Ratio: 1.33 : 1
Sound Mix: Stereo
Original Air Date: 21 Feb 2004 (UK)
Rating: 7.2
Votes: 29
Year: 2004
Production Companies: Director's Guild of Great Britain
Producer: Colin Wilson , Josef d'Bache-Kane , Jim Whiteford , Saskia van Roomen , Jacqui Licorish , Rowland Jobson , John Hough , Malcolm Mowbray
Production Manager: Jacqui Badger , M.J. McMahon
Composer: Tom Smail
Editor: Dominic Towey , Nick Anderson , Rory Ferguson
Editorial Department: Mark Foligno
Sound Crew: Richard Perry
Visual Effects: Martin Ashford , Leigh Wimpory
Miscellaneous Crew: Alix Middleton , Josef d'Bache-Kane , Lucy Tsang , Serena Dodd , Alainée Kent , Jim Whiteford , Saskia van Roomen , Simon Campbell-Jones , Rowland Jobson , Clare Lizzimore , Faynia Williams , Darryl Blake , Nina Field , Andrew Lukas , Ku Sharma , Katja Thrane , Peter Bowker , Jacqui Badger , Sarah Roberts , Indra Bhose , Robert Bierman , John Bruce , James Cellan Jones , Anthony Garner , Graham Hawkins , John Hough , Chris Jury , Malcolm Mowbray
Thanks: M.J. McMahon
Art Department: Giles Hales-Tooke
Camera and Electrical Department: Donna Lambert , Humphrey Evans , Frank Gollner , Ron Hagell , Susana Santos , Roland Keane , Ole Bratt Birkeland , Ian Keown
Production Design: Stuart Walker